Do you still have questions about remote starters after reading our remote start article? Are you frustrated by reading biased opinions online that favor certain brands, and don’t give you the whole scoop?
Look no further! We have found what we believe to be the best guide on the market for remote start information and buyers tips. Take the “guesswork” out of buying a remote start! This book was written by Mitchell Schaffer, who has over 20 years experience with remote start systems. He owns a store in the cold North East that received the 2010 Retailer of the Year award from the Mobile Enhancement Retailers Association and has been among the top 12 in the nation for 5 straight years.
The Ultimate Remote Car Starter Buying Guide will teach you everything that you need to know to make a great decision when buying your remote car starter. There are many key questions in this book that make it a worth-while purchase for you in any age group and any knowledge level.
Click the link below to see this great tool!
Oh wait, it gets better! Anyone who purchases this e-book will also receive a $10 discount on a remote start from WSS! Just bring in proof of purchase and the discount will be applied to ANY of the remote start systems we sell!